The Christmas festivities are now over and a new year begins, hopefully with joy and happiness. It is now that we write new plans for the year ahead, thinking of all the things that we didn't get done last year and how to lead a healthier and happier life.
Here, at Strawberry Cottage Studio, I am looking forward to getting our there more - planning to be part of the Dorset community of artisits and signing up to craft fairs and exhibitions. With no-one in need for Christmas stockings now, I am thinking of my next creation. Will it be sewing or painting? Soft pastel pencils are in my Amazon basket waiting to be purchased (thanks to a lovely friend sending me a gift voucher) so maybe that's what I'm going to explore in 2025?
But in addition to the creative side of life, I also want to reach more people and offer a cheerful place for visitors and locals to pop down to for a chat. Too many of us have lonely moments, especially after Christmas when family return home and friends return to work. Staying indoors in our safe space is often comforting, but it can also become a habit that we can't seem to overcome and then we realise that we haven't set foot outisde for a while and life becomes scary. If you find yourself feeling like this, please do step outside, pop down to Strawberry Cottage Studio in Milton Abbas where you'll always find a smile and just maybe, that smile will spread.
My motto: Be the reason someone smiles today.
Click here to contact me - I'll always open up if I'm around and people want to pop in!